How to overcome the LinkedIn Writer's Block
Tips for building a personal brand, establishing a writing routine and more creator tips
Hey there,
Since a few weeks I have a hard time with LinkedIn. I used to post often and be rewarded with engagement and network growth, but since a few weeks the “barrier to jump over” in order to post became higher and more difficult to overcome. I started to dig into why that is and found this post Why people are not posting on LinkedIn super interesting. I definitely can relate to a few reasons on that list: I did not think that my content is valuable enough, I also did not know how to do it the most effective way and everything I share people probably already know.
The reality is that I probably am too harsh on myself and if I look back on my last few posts, most of them got good engagement and the only problem here is not that my content is not good enough (even though I of course need to keep learning and improving) but that I am not posting often enough. So I started digging into that and found a few things that hopefully can help me to overcome the LinkedIn Writer’s Block:
How to overcome the LinkedIn Writer's Block
📚Get Over Your Fear of LinkedIn by Emily Rae Schutte; 3 min read
Top Takeaways: This is a great post full of goodies, it gives you 3 simple steps to get started and Emily even gives you a LinkedIn in 10-min a day template that really gets you started quickly, oh through her I also discovered this 10-min LinkedIn clean up checklist too
🎁 The LinkedIn Operating System by Justin Welsh
Top Takeaways: This is the full bible from the god of LinkedIn Justin Welsh, it covers how to identify your niche and define our content strategy, how to make sure you post consistently and regularly, how you build our audience, and how to convert leads into customers
📚 Master 18 LinkedIn Post Ideas For A Relevant Feed by Publer; 5 min read
Top Takeaways: This is gold, this list offers 18 things you could post about and at least 3-4 should stick out as relevant or idea-provoking right away!
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Meet Sarah (our PM), Alex (our Ops Manager), and Dejan (our Product Engineer iOS) 👋 They are usually building Bunch but they are also testing our new Work From Home SWAG and they 💚 it!
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From our friends 💌
Two weeks ago I discovered Best 3 Podcasts this week, which is really cool. Adam basically listens to tons of podcasts each week and provides summaries not the best ones. You'll receive summaries of the best episodes from a variety of underrated shows. That way, you can learn about new and interesting topics without having to listen to hours of audio (saves you up to 10+ hours each week).
Have a great start to your week!
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