Lessons on leadership, brand building and building a healthy business that lasts
Ex-Groupon India CEO’ lessons on leadership, advice on how to build a brand that goes viral and what tech VCs & founders can learn from Warren Buffet about building valuable businesses
Hey there,
Trying something new again this week! We have been recording a few podcast episodes this week and I’ve been thinking a lot about pretty high-level, philosophical questions: what does good leadership look like and how to build foundations in your business that last. So this week‘s weekly briefing is really a lot about tactical lessons learned from leaders in the trenches. Hope you find it valuable:
Lessons on leadership, brand building and building a healthy business that lasts
🧵 Twitter: A thread on leadership by Ankur Warikoo (Ex-Groupon India CEO)
Top Takeaways: Wise thoughts on the role of a leader in decision-making, vision and strategy, task completion and how the emotional and mental health of a leader impacts their team’s wellbeing and performance. Say what you will about Groupon and all, but Ankur took away good learnings that he shares in this thread.
🧵 Twitter: Founders, do you want your company to go viral thread by Darrel Frater (VC at Visible Hands VC)
Top Takeaways: “Brands go viral when a ALOT of people speak POSITIVELY about the brand OFTEN”. In order to achieve that start small and do things that don’t scale and build many meaningful 1-1 relationships with people on Twitter/LinkedIn or wherever the most relevant people for your brand hang out. Once you created initial traction through many 1-1 relationships, start 1-to-many initiatives (like announcements etc.). But continue to provide value and be helpful to the 1-1 folks throughout to strengthen the core of your network.
📰 Medium: Venture and Value Investing by Garry Tan (VC at Initialised Capital)
Top Takeaways: Typically the Warren Buffet type of investing and the Silicon Valley Tech VC world investing don't have much to do with each other, but in today’s economic climate tech VCs are looking to learn from those that have been in the game for many many marketing up and downturns. Garry took away crucial lessons: the best startups are simple and real, pragmatism unites the world’s best founders, and tech investing and company building is more like mining for gold, rather than alchemy. Worth a read if you’re a founder or want to understand the startup game we play a bit better.
From Our Community
Happy International Worker’s Day!
As you know May 1st is the International Workers Day and we’re curious to hear from you which areas of advancement you’d want to see progress on next when it comes to improving conditions for people at work around the world: employee well-being, equal pay/pay gaps, flexible work options or growth opportunities?
Head over to LinkedIn and join the conversation! We’d love to hear from you!
A few weeks ago, The Female Factor and Bunch teamed up to deliver a Leadership Discovery Series Masterclass. We’ve written up the 10 Mistakes of First-Time Managers and How to Avoid Them for you. Check it out and let us know which ones you made and recognise yourself in! Which mistakes have we forgotten?
Tips from the Bunch AI Coach:
This week’s tip comes from Kate Leto, a Leadership Coach and author of “Hiring Product Managers”. Check out Kate’s advice on how to align your team on the role you’re hiring next to make the right hire and empower your team along the way: “Get Your Team’s Input to Make the Right Hire”.
Have a great start to your week!
PS: Download the AI coach to get 1% better in just 2 min a day
Can't wait for the Android version of the app.... any date estimate yet??