Ex-Groupon India CEO’ lessons on leadership, advice on how to build a brand that goes viral and what tech VCs & founders can learn from Warren Buffet about building valuable businesses
Can't wait for the Android version of the app.... any date estimate yet??
Hey Llou, end of the year (q4!) are in our community yet? It gives a bit of a Bunch experience in the meantime. Here is the invite to that: https://join.slack.com/t/teamsatwork/shared_invite/zt-susna4gz-d52CjNmV59PNZjTFeMRnUQ
Can't wait for the Android version of the app.... any date estimate yet??
Hey Llou, end of the year (q4!) are in our community yet? It gives a bit of a Bunch experience in the meantime. Here is the invite to that: https://join.slack.com/t/teamsatwork/shared_invite/zt-susna4gz-d52CjNmV59PNZjTFeMRnUQ